Breakfast of Champions

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

What better way to start your day than with team building AND breakfast?

Cooking as a team…

  • Encourages creativity.
  • Fosters self-confidence & self-esteem.
  • Instills values among team members.
  • Promotes health & wellness.

Wellness programs are linked to greater productivity, less absenteeism, and a reduction of long-term health care costs. A company gains an average of $5.81 for every dollar invested in health management programs.

“Workplace wellness is any program that aims to improve the health of your employees and their families while reducing your health-related costs as an employer.

The good news is that even if you aren’t in a position to implement a comprehensive program, there are many small steps you can take to promote wellness. In fact, a gesture as small as providing fresh fruit once a week can be a very simple way to show your employees that their health is important to the company. Trying out just one small component of a wellness program can act like a trial run—it gives you a chance to see how your employees respond and whether a more comprehensive program might work in the future.”

Theories and employee surveys suggest there are several reasons why an employee might not choose to participate in an employee-sponsored wellness program. Some of the reasons include:

  • The company encourages participation in the wellness program, yet still offers high-fat “junk” foods in the cafeteria and vending machines sending a mixed message.
  • The company leaders don’t participate, so employees don’t believe it’s important.
  • Employees believe the company saves money, but “what’s in it for me?”

Food is a BIG part of wellness.

Team Breakfast helps you tackle these three issues head-on while promoting existing wellness initiatives or providing a launch pad for a new wellness program.

food team building activities - team breakfast

The objective of this food-based team building program is to use food preparation and the gourmet meal that is produced, as an active and powerful metaphor. The group will experience all the components of a functioning team, bond together and get to know each other in a unique environment outside of the work place.

More food team building activities that work:

1. Other culinary team building programs – This is no cooking class. Our culinary programs will not only fill your bellies, but we incorporate team building that works into our growing roster of over 20 food based programs.

2. Green lunches – As the eco-friendly phenomena continues to surge forward, now is as good a time as any to dust off the reusable lunch bag and start bringing a greener lunch to work. Better yet, share some of that lunch time with your team!

3. Don’t trespass in the refrigerator – As a manager, you can help foster an environment that keeps food rage at a minimum and keep things fun.

 What is your favorite food based team building activity? Do you have any new ideas you’d like to try? Do tell!

Samantha McDuffee

Team Contributor


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