Buckle up & get ready to send your taste buds on the adventure of a lifetime!

Travel throughout the world & taste along the way!
We’re bringing a sense of adventure to the house of your teammates! Prior to the event, International Food Tour participants will download our App as well as receive a gift box, filled with snacks from around the world (and a note telling them not to open it until the go time!). Your TeamBonding Guide will get everyone on board for the trip and kick off the video conference experience by splitting your group into teams.
The goal is simple: earn as many points as you can as the timer counts down! But, how to earn points is not that easy – participants will need to strategize on which countries to visit and communicate to complete the challenges efficiently.
Each team chooses a chef, who must answer all of the challenges but can’t see them! The chef must work together with the rest of their teammates, Diners, who have the information needed. A countdown clock keeps the team on their toes, as teams race through the game, completing travel and food-themed challenges along the way to earn the most points.