This famous Eleanor Roosevelt quote resonates with me. It doesn’t mean you have to do something to risk your life every single day – it could be something as small as trying a new food or talking to somebody who intimidates you. Or, letting your guard down, getting silly, and giving improv training a whirl.
Maybe you’re shy, and can’t even fathom yourself getting up in front of all of your coworkers acting like a goofball. It’s out of your comfort zone. But that’s the point! Plus, as famous comedian Amy Poehler says: no one looks stupid when they’re having fun. Improv training can help you discover hidden talents and allow others to see what you’re capable of. This can be carried directly back to the workplace.
You have no idea what you might learn until you try it. Improv is fun! Don’t be shy – “do one thing every day that scares you” and take a chance on something new.