Posts By: David Goldstein

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How Retro 80s Video Games Can Build Modern Teams

Have we found the newest, hottest team building game in the USA? This week we brought together our facilitators, event team, and sales team and we learned and played a new collaborative team building game called Team Synergy. This game was created in Barcelona Spain by a team of team building experts and boy was it fun. To those of us that lived in the ‘80s, it brought back memories of the game Simon and other early video games. It was fun, competitive, collaborative, and challenging. The game boxes that were created were impressive, the ai robot was fun and funny, the music was appropriate, and the overall event is unique to anything we’ve ever seen or played. We know TeamBonding clients are going to love this game. 

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Company Culture: The Importance of a Strong Work Culture

Company culture is one of the most important aspects of any successful organization to have. This culture can influence and be influenced by many things including the type of communication within an organization, how you show appreciation for your employees and the standards you hold them to as well. Read our list of elements that make up a great work culture, as well as why it’s so important for your company’s growth.

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The Importance of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Business

What is Corporate Social Responsibility? Corporate Social Responsibility refers to the idea that a company or corporation has a moral obligation to give back to its community.  Usually, it involves developing corporate guidelines and policies with the goal of positively impacting society as a part of the company’s everyday business practices.

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Thank You

Client appreciation? There’s never been a better time.  I remember it so clearly. That night in February 2020 when it seemed the world had stopped for just a second. My wife and I were on our way home from a dinner celebrating the life of a dear friend who had passed away unexpectedly. And suddenly, we heard a word that has, in some way, touched every one of our lives since that day: pandemic. It was on the news, but nobody quite grasped just how much life as we knew it was about to change. A storm was coming.    

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Back To School | Daily Team Building While You Work

As summertime ticks away the stores have gone from seasonal sections of gardening and outdoor to school supplies. Aisles upon aisles filled with everything from erasers and rulers to backpacks and water bottles. There is palpable excitement amongst the youngest of school goers as the seasons change from summer to school.

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The Road to Recovery: Predicting the Path to Live Events

There’s no denying that America — and frankly the entire world — is ready to get back to live events. After a year of quarantine, social distancing, virtual parties, and Zoom calls, there is a strong desire to connect with other people in person again. And with vaccinations picking up steam, that desire for live interaction is only getting stronger.

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COVID-19 CDC Safety Guidelines for Safe Events

To protect your health and peace of mind, we have implemented policies to follow CDC guidelines so you can focus on building your team. We have over 100+ corporate team building activities either online, in-person, or a hybrid of both, we facilitate everything to ensure it all runs smoothly, and safely. All events are customizable to meet your teams’ needs and boost engagement, communication, and productivity.

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TeamBonding is Taking a Page from McDonald’s Marketing Plan

I can get inspiration from anywhere but I never thought it would be from my neighborhood fast food place. Truth is, it’s not just my neighborhood restaurant, McDonald’s is one of the most successful worldwide brands and they just introduced a similar strategy to my company. Maybe they were inspired by us?

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The Power of Networking

Without a doubt, networking can be an essential skill to grow a business or developing your personal network. Every relationship you make is critical, as former Head of Design at Twitter, Mike Davidson once said:

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TeamBonding and Catalyst Global Announce Partnership

In 2019, we announced our new strategic partnership with Catalyst Global.

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Get Out of Your Own Way | Write Your Success Story

Be the Best Version of You that You Always Dreamed to Be. Fear—an all-too-familiar emotion that tends to visit people during their most critically important moments. It triggers a response in people that is commonly known as a “fight or flight” response whether to stay and confront the situation or to leave the situation due to feeling unsafe. Most people can identify with the latter. This is due to a complex process that occurs in the brain. Within the temporal lobes of the brain, there exists the amygdala, which serves as the key brain element that controls the reception and processing of negative emotions.

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Free Video – It’s a Win-Win!

Get It On Video When it comes to planning the next big teambuilding experience, many aspects can get a little stressful and somewhat overwhelming. Deciding the type of experience you want your staff to have is essential for a successful event. If you’re looking to save some money on the next big event, consider this offer. Usually, if you want your event filmed, it comes with the hassle of hiring a separate videographer to capture it. Now, along with an unforgettable experience, you can save some money too. TeamBonding is offering to film your event free of charge and provide the footage to you and your staff in exchange for allowing us to use the footage as promotional content for TeamBonding. The programs currently offering this exchange are listed below.

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Join the Movement. Build Your Team. Achieve the Impossible.

United we stand. Divided we fall. Some of the strongest bonds are forged in the face of challenge and adversity. War, economic collapse, social protests—these circumstances bring people all different backgrounds, from different walks of life; in ways that they might never have met. However, not all bonds are forged on challenge alone. Sometimes teams find their foundations in activities that combine fitness, competition, and good-humored fun.

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5 Tools to Help You Pick Your Venue

Planning the perfect team building experience may at times seem overwhelming, especially when choosing a venue. Choosing the backdrop for your event, the space that will influence all other decisions may seem like a daunting task since there are literally thousands of options. Thankfully, these efficient, user-friendly websites will do most of the work for you. These venue finders can drastically improve and speed-up the process to finding your perfect venue.

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Holiday Parties That Rock | Ideas to Make Your Party Profitable

It seems that many budget lines have felt the wrath of the delete button over the years, but the Holiday Party remains.  From social drinks and meal to a couples dance and annual awards – the holiday party is holding strong. That being said, as a forward thinking manager you can utilize the holiday party budget for some team development.

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Best Employee Onboarding Practices

Imagine you recently hired a new employee, and within a few months, this new employee ends up leaving you. There are a wide variety of reasons why they might choose to leave. It’s possible that the problem is they were never properly introduced to the company. There are a few steps that you can take to be proactive about employee retention.

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Shaping Your Next Elevator Pitch

An elevator pitch is a speech that uses both hard and soft skills to market oneself to a potential employer or network. The difference between soft and hard skills are as follows. Soft skills are composed of your personality traits; like whether or not you are adaptable or accountable. Hard skills are more technical based. Take for example if you were a manager at a retail store, one of your hard skills would be ‘experience with customer service.’

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What Separates a Boss from Being a Leader

“If the highest aim of a captain were to preserve his ship, he would keep it in port forever.”          – Thomas Aquinas

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Keys to a Successful Leadership Development Program

Employees are on the frontlines of your company. An understanding of what their wants and needs will help foster their growth into stronger assets for your organization. According to Jeff Fermin, an entrepreneur and a contributor to Huffington Post, 83% of employees feel that they don’t have an engaging employment brand.

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Team Vampires: Overcoming the Effects of Negativity in the Workplace

Halloween is just around the corner. My daughters are picking out their ghoulish costumes … one a princess and the other a dead bride (gulp). Seems as kids get older the scarier their costumes get, my princess is 5 and my bride is 10. By the time kids become adults they can get even scarier — some even become Vampires, and they wear their costume to work, everyday.

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