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How to Conquer Communication Anxiety at Work

You’ve been tasked with giving an important presentation at work. You’ll have to stand up and speak in front of all your coworkers, detailing your ideas for the upcoming project—but you have communication anxiety.

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Background and Ideas to Celebrate Pride At Work

Pride Month 2024 is approaching quickly! This month is all about celebrating and supporting the LGBTQIA+ community, as well as spreading love and acceptance. Whether you’re a small business or a big company, it’s important to celebrate Pride Month and promote an accepting and inclusive environment at work.  

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5 Fun Summer Office Party Ideas

A great way to let loose some steam after a long workday and to build relationships between coworkers is to get outside and throw a Summer Office Party. We’re here to help and offer inspiration for some office party ideas for summer!

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Gamification in the Workplace to Increase Employee Engagement

Gamification in the workplace can be an incredibly effective way to increase employee engagement. Introducing game concepts, such as point scoring and competition, brings in an element of fun that helps keep employees motivated and productive. Statistics back this up as well. According to a Mambo report, effective gamification in the workplace can increase employee engagement by 48%. That same report also found that 95% of employees prefer a gamified work environment.

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Summer Office Olympics Ideas & Games

The 2024 Olympics are around the corner, and while you may not be heading to Paris, you can still bring the Olympic Games to your workplace with these fun office Olympics ideas! Office Olympics are a fantastic way to bring your team together, boost morale, and promote a healthy work-life balance.

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Unlocking Potential Through People-Oriented Leadership

Leadership is a driving force in any business, but which type of leadership is best? While there are many different approaches to leadership in the workplace, people-oriented leadership is undoubtedly one of the best forms if you want to unlock your employees’ true potential.

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Ultimate Guide and Ideas for Planning a Company Summer Outing

Let’s be honest: the workplace can be stressful, and companies should ensure employees can get outside and destress when they feel overwhelmed. With summer generally considered a more carefree time, it’s a perfect season to host a company outing. Company summer outings can be entertaining but also help establish a more interactive and positive workplace. Summer is right around the corner, and this is a great time to consider your outing plans! Read how to plan your summer outings, as well as some of our company outing ideas below!

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Our Charity Team Building Programs

Looking for your team’s next outing or office event? Consider giving back to your community while connecting with your coworkers!

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Leveraging Career Advancement Opportunities to Increase Employee Retention

In a highly competitive job market, finding ways to gain and retain skilled employees is key. One of the best ways to increase employee retention is through career advancement/development and team building. High turnover can be incredibly costly for a business. According to Gallup, an employee leaving can cost one-half to two times their yearly salary.

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11 Awesome Game Show Ideas for Work

Organizing an office game show is a great way to improve team morale and help everyone blow off some steam after a stressful day at work.

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9 Bring Your Kids to Work Day Activities and Tips

On the fourth Thursday of each April, more than 37 million people participate in Bring Your Child to Work Day, which this year falls on Thursday, April 25th, 2024.  (more…)

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6 Memorial Day Ideas for Work: Ways to Celebrate & Honor

Memorial Day has a different meaning for everyone. Oftentimes, people use this day as a celebration for the arrival of summer. Cookouts, family reunions, and a 3-day-weekend are all a blast, but they can take away the importance of what the day truly signifies. While you celebrate good food and loved ones, don’t forget to honor and celebrate the brave men and women who have died fighting for our country.

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Fueling Corporate Philanthropy Initiatives Through Meaningful Events

More and more companies are engaging in corporate philanthropy every year. Corporate philanthropy can be defined as the activities and initiatives a company engages in on its own to make an impact on society. Aligning corporate teams with charitable causes not only makes a difference in the world but also has many benefits for the teams and their companies as well.

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6 Fun Ways to Celebrate Earth Day for Work

Since 1970, each year over 1 billion people across 190 countries unite to celebrate Earth Day and the modern environmental movement. Earth Day falls on April 22nd each year. Recently, more and more companies have begun to start green initiatives to help save the Earth and reduce their footprint. Studies show that over 71% of global greenhouse emissions contributing to global warming come specifically from 100 companies, among other negative environmental impacts. Check out these alarming statistics from Rubicon:

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Change Management: Building an Organizational Culture of Adaptability to Continuous Change

Change in business is inevitable. Whether it’s internal changes, changes in the market, new innovations, or something else, change is going to happen. Successful businesses are able to embrace change and utilize change management to achieve better results. 

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10 Business Benefits of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

In today’s business climate, it’s not enough for companies to produce great products at reasonable prices. Customers and employees alike expect the companies they do business with to use their resources and influence to bring positive change to the world. In this article, we will highlight the benefits of CSR (corporate social responsibility) and why companies should make this strategy a focus. 

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How to Change Company Culture: The Role of Empathy in Cultural Transformation

Cultural transformation—the process of changing company culture to align with core vision, values, and goals—is a necessity for any successful organization. What many don’t realize however is that empathy is the lifeblood of cultural transformation. Empathy helps us understand the experiences of others, enabling positive change. A foundation in corporate social responsibility (CSR) builds an empathetic culture, fostering an inclusive, vibrant, and thriving workplace environment. 

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Innovative Workplaces: Physical Workspace Design to Spark Engagement and Creativity

Whether we realize it or not, our workspaces play a very important role in engagement, creativity, and overall business success. Workplace design—physical and virtual—can significantly influence behavior, promote collaboration, teamwork, creativity, and foster a culture of innovation. 

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The Evolution of Corporate Jargon: From Buzzwords to Inclusive Language

Corporate Jargon is a staple in the world of business. No matter what industry you are in, there’s likely a long list of jargon that gets used daily. At its core, corporate jargon is language used in the workplace to convey other, often more complicated, concepts. It can come in the form of acronyms, phrases, metaphors, and more. 

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How to Improve Team Collaboration at Work

How do you embrace team cooperation skills in the workplace? For an organization to run smoothly and meet its goals, it is important to foster a work environment that supports collaboration amongst colleagues. Unfortunately for most organizations, team cooperation does not occur naturally. You must make an effort and take steps to help build and sustain a cooperative work environment.

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How to Handle Conflict Resolution in the Workplace

Conflict resolution in the workplace is something that many businesses struggle with. Conflicts are inevitable to an extent, and they can have negative effects on the business and workplace. They can create tension, slow progress, decrease efficiency, limit creativity, create toxicity, and much more. Resolving conflict in the workplace is essential if you want a positive and thriving business. 

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