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How Companies Can Give Back During the Holidays in 2023

The holiday season is fast approaching, and with it comes the opportunity to help those in need and give back to the community. This is also a great opportunity for you to show your gratitude to those who have dedicated so much of their time and effort to furthering the success of your organization in the past year. And coming up with holiday charity ideas for the office is not as hard as it seems.

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8 Ways Employers Can Help Employees Build Confidence at Work

Why’s having confidence at work so important? No doubt, you can recognize a confident employee a mile away. They often hold their head high and their shoulders back. They may speak with unwavering authority. And they usually don’t hesitate to share ideas at board meetings. 

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5 Thoughtful Holiday Thank You Activities for Employees

The holiday season is rapidly approaching, which means another opportunity to reflect on the past year, find gratitude, and look for ways to give thanks. As a leader in your organization, one of the easiest places to find reasons for that gratitude is in your workforce. And what better way to do that than a holiday thank you to employees.

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Navigating Leadership Transitions for Success

We all know that leadership is one of the most important factors of any business. However, leaders can’t stay around forever, and a leadership transition is an inevitability. That means businesses need to be ready to handle changes in leadership to ensure a smooth transition that leads to success. 

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5 Fun Team Celebration Ideas for This Holiday Season

As the year comes to a close, it’s the perfect time to reflect on your company’s ideas for celebrating team success and to celebrate your team. Whether you reached your smaller goals or made one large accomplishment this year, it deserves some recognition. The holidays are a perfect time to recognize achievements AND get in the spirit with fun team celebration ideas. Here are some examples of workplace celebration ideas and how your team can commemorate this year’s successes.

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The Best Team Building Activities for Small Groups

Team dynamics are a key part of any successful team. Everyone needs to have a good, working relationship to work together and achieve their goals. One of the best ways to promote good team dynamics is with team building activities for small groups.  

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Plan Your Company Holiday Party | Save the Date Holiday Party Ideas

Whether you’re planning a large office holiday party or a small company outing, take fun seriously. The further in advance that you plan, the more relaxed you will be and the more fun you’ll have with your team. It can be stressful to plan an office holiday party when you are down to the wire, so we have tools to help you plan your holiday party early, and keep you ahead of the game. Check out the tips below to get started with bonus save the date holiday party templates and invitations you can customize for your own event!

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6 Ways to Throw the Ultimate Office Holiday Party in 2023

Just because the weather outside is frightful, doesn’t mean your corporate holiday party can’t be delightful. Whether you plan to host an in-person event or a virtual soiree, there’s no reason you can’t go all out and stay within your budget. If you’re unsure how to get started, we’ve outlined our expert tips and best office holiday party ideas below.

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Embracing Failure at Work: Overcoming the Fear of Judgment

Fear is ever present in our lives, and work is no exception. Two of the most common fears in the workplace are a fear of failure and a fear of judgment. These fears arise for a variety of reasons. People want to be accepted, do a good job, and be able to provide for themselves and their families; those desires can all result in a fear of failure and a fear of judgment. 

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Fun and Effective Low Stress Team Building Games for Your Team

Work is stressful. Even in the best of jobs in the best of times, work can take a toll on us physically and mentally. Finding ways to alleviate and manage that stress is key if you want to create a positive and healthy workplace. Low stress team building games are one potential tool you can use to proactively reduce stress and improve team dynamics. 

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Virtual Holiday Party Ideas for Work

As companies increasingly embrace remote and hybrid work arrangements, it’s time to explore how we can bring some holiday cheer into our virtual workspace. That means diving into the world of virtual Christmas celebrations, online holiday parties, and all sorts of digital holiday games. It’s a great opportunity to recognize and celebrate the hard work your team has put in throughout the year in a more virtual setting.

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Leveraging Corporate Training Programs to Drive Innovation

Many people view corporate training as boring, stuffy, and un-fun. While that may be true for some corporate training, there are many more that are fun, exciting, and have the potential to transform your team and their skills. 

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10 Interactive Corporate Event Ideas for the Office

As a leader, it’s important that you prioritize your team. A motivated, cohesive, and curious team will help make your business more innovative and profitable. With the right interactive corporate event ideas, you can help grow and develop your team while also building bonds and having fun. 

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10 End of the Year Virtual Celebration Activities for Work

Break out the noisemakers, because your remote team is about to close the book on 2022! And with 2023 looming ahead, you may be toying with virtual party ideas to ring in a new chapter. But with everyone living across multiple cities or even time zones, party planning may seem impossible (and complicated).

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Implementing An Efficient Employee Listening Strategy

In order to support a thriving workplace, HR must turn its attention to employee engagement and retention regularly. After all, if employees aren’t engaged or staying for very long, it’s hard to create any kind of positive work culture. Part of making sure that employees are engaged and want to stay around is setting up a consistent and effective employee listening strategy. 

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Embracing a People Centric Workplace

Most of us spend about 1/3rd of our lives at work. That’s a lot of time to spend at work, and it can have a big impact on our lives. A toxic workplace can quickly wear you down and leave you burnt-out, while a supporting workplace can have you feeling engaged and inspired. That’s why it’s so important to have a people centric workplace that puts people and their wellbeing first. 

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9 Winter Team Building Activities Your Team Will Love

Winter is a season that often brings people indoors, but it doesn’t mean that your team can’t still come together for some fun. The best way? A good old fashioned winter team building activity. Even coming back to work after the holidays can be arduous, but just because the holiday season has come to an end doesn’t mean the holiday spirit has to go with it. Keeping employees engaged and motivated year-round is vital to the success of all companies.

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The Role of Creativity in the Workplace: Fueling Growth & Innovation

Creativity in the workplace can be one of the most powerful assets you have. It can result in more innovation, increased engagement, better problem solving, boosted sales, and much more. Those are just a few of the benefits of creativity in the workplace, and there are many more. All that said, honing in on workplace creativity can be a challenge. 

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Dear Gourd! It’s National Pumpkin Day!

October 26th is National Pumpkin Day! Sure, Halloween is for trick-or-treating and dressing your kids up in cute costumes, but we think the adults deserve a treat too! We’re bringing you three creative ways to incorporate pumpkins into your next grown-up party. But first, let’s talk about National Pumpkin Day.

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10 Ways Storytelling at Work Can Transform Your Team and Communication

Storytelling at work plays an important role in all of our lives, whether we realize it or not. When people think of storytelling, things like books, movies, video games, and TV shows may come to mind. But storytelling goes beyond entertainment; it is also something found in the workplace. 

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