The gold stars you got as a 5-year old weren’t a fluke… they work… for any age.
People respond to prizes and you don’t have to break your budget to offer them for successful team building. Besides, you need to keep the prizes small (but meaningful) to keep your team’s attention focused on the inherent enjoyment and satisfaction received from team building.
The bragging rights that come with winning anything are enough to motivate your team toward better participation and accomplishment. Don’t drive your team towards prize winning as a goal, but reward them throughout and toward the end of team building events to keep energy high and sustain mojo.
You can even provide prizes for team building programs for things like “Best Effort” or “Best Entry Into a 6th Grade Science Fair” to give everyone a fair shot at winning something.
Having a few small prizes available can really drive up the participation for your event.
“Teams share the burden and divide the grief.” – Doug Smith