Give pets a new leash on life

Get ready to unleash your team’s collective compassion, make a difference, and have a whole lot of fun while building pet wheelchairs in Mission ImPAWssible!
Doggie wheelchairs provide mobility assistance for our four-legged friends experiencing hindleg weakness or paralysis. They play a crucial role in improving their quality of life and allow them to stand, walk, run, and even play.
Participants need to collaborate to complete challenges and earn the parts necessary to assemble the pet wheelchairs, ensuring all components are correctly fitted and functioning. Building these wheelchairs for dogs requires teamwork, problem-solving skills, and effective communication. Our high-energy games keep everyone engaged and having fun while they work together toward completing their Mission ImPAWssible dog wheelchairs for charity!
This event promotes empathy, compassion, and instills a profound sense of social responsibility within the team. Together, we’ll create a world where every pet can experience the joy of a life without limits.