A guitar build that'll pluck at your heartstrings.

In this exciting event Charity Guitar Build, teams build electric guitars to donate to charity. As each instrument is being constructed, teams will let loose their artistic flair by decorating a custom cardboard guitar case. This hands-on approach ensures that every instrument is a unique masterpiece, ready to strike a chord with its future owner.
And here’s where the harmony of technology meets the melody of creativity! In this guitar build teams embrace the power of AI-generated music composition tools, where they discover the magic of creating their very own team song. With these AI tools at your fingertips, you’ll explore melodies, harmonies, and rhythms to create a musical masterpiece bound to hit all the right notes.
The guitars crafted during the event will be donated to a local music school, spreading the joy of music and providing aspiring musicians with the tools they need to pursue their passion. Your team’s efforts will resonate in the hearts of those who receive these musical gifts, fostering a sense of community and support. This Charity Guitar Build concludes with a celebratory showcase where each team can present their decorated guitar cases, share their team song, and reflect on the impact they’ve made.
Turn up the volume on giving with guitar building!