Day 3 at IMEX | Creating a Winning Corporate Culture

It was another great day at IMEX America 2014! Not only did we get to hang out with event professionals from all of the world but we also won selfie contests, toasted with Scottish men in kilts, attended educational campfire sessions, watched French can can dancers turn cartwheels, dressed up as leprechauns, and participated in a live cooking demo. We even got to meet two members of the Beatles! Okay, so that last part isn’t exactly true. But we did meet two Beatles impersonators! That almost counts, right?

IMEX America 2014

2014 IMEX America
We also got to watch a fascinating keynote talk by author John Spence on how to turn employees into high-performing team members and how to lead more effectively and strategically. Read below to catch some of the highlights.

Business Advisor John Spence Talks Team Building Strategy: How Can Businesses Create a “Winning Culture”?



This information resonated with us because as play leaders and team building event professionals, we know how important it is to develop a strong winning culture and healthy employee relationships. John’s witty talk and deep well of knowledge on the subject greatly impressed us! We’d love to get an opportunity to hear him speak again.

We hope that you will stick with us throughout the day tomorrow! We’ll be live tweeting from @teambonding and @ADDentrepreneur. Stay tuned for more fun and informative content!

David Goldstein

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