Category: Quotes

Take a look at these words of wisdom from leaders of the past and present. Our team members reflect on leadership quotes from around the world.

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Catapult to Success | Pumpkin-Style

It’s fall and you know what that means! It’s pumpkin season! Specifically, pumpkin catapult season! Pumpkin spice lattes, pumpkin muffins, pumpkin pie, baked pumpkin seeds, pumpkin picking, pumpkin carving… and pumpkin catapults!

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How Encouraging Creativity Can Boost Productivity

Employee productivity is essential to building and maintaining a successful company. It may be hard to believe, but the average worker is said to only be productive 2 hours and 23 minutes out of an 8-hour workday. Employees are often distracted by unwork related items such as social media, news websites, chatting with colleagues, snacking, and even job searching.

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Team Building Events Tip: Are you having fun yet?

Sure, Team Building events are fun, but choosing them wisely can give you so much more than just a good time. Some team building events can help your team become more flexible, other events can help your team develop better working relationships, or adjust to change better, or just about anything else. Look at your team and decide where they could use a little extra help, then focus on that when choosing your event. (more…)

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Team Building Tip: Don’t Scare the Venue Staff

Set the expectations of the event for the venue staff, so they don’t panic at all the activity and potential noise. Some Team Building events can get pretty crazy (by design, because that makes them more fun… and more effective!) But don’t scare the venue staff when they see your team running around being crazy. (more…)

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